Sonic paintings by Angelina Yershova
Piano Mirage is a diary of the sonic paintings of a young woman that pictures herself as a little girl that dreams of an incredible world between fantasy and reality. It is a beautiful world, harmoniously connected with the power of Nature from which she learns about herself. Miss Green has no age, she is a gentle and playful soul, full of joy and pain, of happiness and wistfulness, and of curiosity in the world. She is a being that wants to live out of space and time, out of any defined and real context, in a wonderful and colourful "mirage".
music composed, performed, recorded, produced,
mixed & masterd by Angelina Yershova
Tracks 3,8,9, 13, 15 violin: Manfred Croci
piano recorded at "AY Studio" (Rome)
photography: Fabrizio Caratelli
cover design: Angelina Yershova
video: Penelope Jossen
Michele Bernardi