ANGELINA YERSHOVA, artist and sound healer. Composer-researcher between avant-garde science and soul in the dimensions of sound as a magical and vibrating intimate structure of our bodies and places, whose "crystalline matrices" she reactivates. Vibrational educator with the pure tones of Crystal Bells already author of her method - "Progeressive Sound Immersion."


"Vibrational Music" to reharmonize spirit, emotions and body. For several years he has been holding seminars, sessions, concerts with the skillful and dialogic use of Crystal Bells,Tibetan Bells, Gongs, shamanic drum, voice and other therapeutic instruments.

Apart from her concert background as a composer and pianist, Angelina has been practicing harmonic singing and spiritual practices for many years, incorporating concepts of dynamic meditation and art therapy into the free performance, improvisational and compositional process. She has designed and taught workshops on Music Composition "Composing while Improvising - Sound and Space" @META.MORF Festival in Trondheim (Norway).

Angelina  participated as a performer-musician Contact improvisation Dance. Experimented with new artistic forms with Antonio Bilo Canella (actor, researcher, performer). She has collaborated with composers/inventors: Mario Bertoncini and Simone Pappalardo and DJs/composers: Electric Indigo and Ken Karter, with rock band Belladonna as arranger and conductor of their "The Orchestral Album." Angelina founded ASTROCONCERT in collaboration with astronomer Stefano Giovanardi. They have successfully produced more than 10 astroconcerts.

Since 2019 he has been dedicated to sound research on vibrational, therapeutic sound. In her sound healing sessions she uses various instruments such as: gongs, Tibetan and crystal bells, shamanic drum, tuning forks, music boxes, karatales and divya, crystal harps and other therapeutic instruments tuned to 432Hz. This research inspired her to create a series of new projects some of them: "Rose of Transformation" (channel for women and inner growth), "IN DIALOGUE" improvised and meditative music with Debora Longini (singer and vocal experimenter).

Angelina believes in the living path of knowledge in resonance with the purest frequencies of creation, and expanding projects and actions to spread its quality of love and union in service.

  • 2024 - I Am ATMA (music album scheduled for 2024
    • ● 2022 - Certified to conduct individual and distance healing sessions
    • ● 2021 - Certified: Reiki Healing System (first, second, third level) is
    • ● author of the healing method "Progressive Sound Immersion" has
    • ● She has conducted more than 100 individual sound healing sessions
    • ● Women's Circle Facilitator (Certified)
    • ● Consultant of the "Art Transformation method" (Certified) by E.
    • Pozdeeva's women's academy and art terapie school (Certified)


Vibrations emitted by various instruments in the service of inner harmony and physical well-being.


Sound Healing is a very ancient holistic practice that relies on sound and sound vibrations to bring one to a dimension of inner calm and mental peace. Feeling better through sound. Or rather through the vibrations that certain instruments create in us and are able to give us relaxation, inner harmony, and physical well-being. This is the principle of sound healing, or sound therapy, a holistic medicine technique that takes up, updating them, the very ancient use of sound and music to heal mind, body, and spirit.


Sound therapy can simply be a different way of relaxing and getting in tune with oneself, thus a form of sound meditation, or something more and become a targeted technique to counter health problems such as muscle tension or tinnitus. You don't even need to be a great expert or music lover to discover the benefits and advantages of sound healing, because sound therapy speaks powerfully to the most hidden parts of our bodies and souls. It is simple, effective and very enjoyable.

Everything is vibration, even our physical body, and the sound wave, willingly or
unwillingly, makes contact with us: this is true when we receive a sound practice, but also at any other time. The cardinal principle of Sound Healing is resonance, which causes our bodies and brains to vibrate in harmony with the sound we hear.


Astroconcerto "Cinquemila fili di Luce"   musica: Angelina Yershova, narrazione: Stefano Giovanardi

Le vibrazioni emesse da diversi strumenti a servizio dell'armonia interiore e del benessere fisico.

ANGELINA YERSHOVA, artist and sound healer. Composer-researcher between avant-garde science and soul in the dimensions of sound as a magical and vibrating intimate structure of our bodies and places, whose "crystalline matrices" she reactivates. Vibrational educator with the pure tones of Crystal Bells already author of her method - "Progeressive Sound Immersion."


"Vibrational Music" to reharmonize spirit, emotions and body. For several years he has been holding seminars, sessions, concerts with the skillful and dialogic use of Crystal Bells,Tibetan Bells, Gongs, shamanic drum, voice and other therapeutic instruments.

Apart from her concert background as a composer and pianist, Angelina has been practicing harmonic singing and spiritual practices for many years, incorporating concepts of dynamic meditation and art therapy into the free performance, improvisational and compositional process. She has designed and taught workshops on Music Composition "Composing while Improvising - Sound and Space" @META.MORF Festival in Trondheim (Norway). Experimented with new artistic forms with Antonio Bilo Canella (actor, researcher, performer). She has collaborated with composers/inventors: Mario Bertoncini and Simone Pappalardo and DJs/composers: Electric Indigo and Ken Karter, with rock band Belladonna as arranger and conductor of their "The Orchestral Album." Angelina founded ASTROCONCERT in collaboration with astronomer Stefano Giovanardi. They have successfully produced more than 10 astroconcerts.

Since 2019 he has been dedicated to sound research on vibrational, therapeutic sound. In her sound healing sessions she uses various instruments such as: gongs, Tibetan and crystal bells, shamanic drum, tuning forks, music boxes, karatales and divya, crystal harps and other therapeutic instruments tuned to 432Hz. This research inspired her to create a series of new projects some of them: "Rose of Transformation" (channel for women and inner growth), "IN DIALOGUE" improvised and meditative music with Debora Longini (singer and vocal experimenter).

Angelina believes in the living path of knowledge in resonance with the purest frequencies of creation, and expanding projects and actions to spread its quality of love and union in service.

  • 2024 - I Am ATMA (music album scheduled for 2024
    • 2022 - Certified to conduct individual and distance healing sessions
    • 2021 - Certified: Reiki Healing System (first, second, third level) is
    • author of the healing method "Progressive Sound Immersion" has
    • She has conducted more than 100 individual sound healing sessions
    • Women's Circle Facilitator (Certified)
    • Consultant of the "Art Transformation method" (Certified) by E.
    • Pozdeeva's women's academy and art terapie school (Certified)



Vibrations emitted by various instruments in the service of inner harmony and physical well-being.


Sound Healing is a very ancient holistic practice that relies on sound and sound vibrations to bring one to a dimension of inner calm and mental peace. Feeling better through sound. Or rather through the vibrations that certain instruments create in us and are able to give us relaxation, inner harmony, and physical well-being. This is the principle of sound healing, or sound therapy, a holistic medicine technique that takes up, updating them, the very ancient use of sound and music to heal mind, body, and spirit.


Sound therapy can simply be a different way of relaxing and getting in tune with oneself, thus a form of sound meditation, or something more and become a targeted technique to counter health problems such as muscle tension or tinnitus. You don't even need to be a great expert or music lover to discover the benefits and advantages of sound healing, because sound therapy speaks powerfully to the most hidden parts of our bodies and souls. It is simple, effective and very enjoyable.

Everything is vibration, even our physical body, and the sound wave, willingly or unwillingly, makes contact with us: this is true when we receive a sound practice, but also at any other time. The cardinal principle of Sound Healing is resonance, which causes our bodies and brains to vibrate in harmony with the sound we hear.