


TPR 003 Twin Paradox Records


  • ATTN: MAGAZINE / Review / UK

    "Yershova's melodies dance amidst the strange waves, sometimes mournfully spellbound by their tidal surges and stormy sibilance, and sometimes enrapt in states of jubilant, energised arpeggio. I hear piano as solid object, piano as liquified ambience, piano as vaporous phantom."

  • NUCLEOARTZINE / Interview / Italy

    "Ascoltando le tracce di Piano’s Abyss si ha da subito l’impressione di intraprendere un viaggio, anche in relazione ai titoli dei brani, fortemente evocativi. Cosa puoi dirci in merito?" (Paolo Gatti)

  • SILENCE AND SOUND / Review  / France

    "With Angelina Yershova the piano takes an unusual air, and we are plunged into a space where the lights meet and entwine on floating crossroads.."  (Rolando Torres Martin)

  • ROMASUONA / Review / Italy

    "PIANO'S ABYSS è un lavoro decisamente originale e intelligente, che pur inserendosi nella cosiddetta “ambient” o “drone” music è in realtà portatore di un disegno preciso e audace, in cui emerge tutto lo spessore di un artista di estrazione classica e dalle molteplici influenze culturali." (Alex Marenga a.k.a AMPTEK)

  • KINDAMUZIC / Review / Holland

    "Rich in texture and with long and vast spectral horizons... Seductive and alluring." (Sven Schijper)

  • GROOVE / Review / Germany

    "Piano Abyss (Twin Paradox) nimmt ihr handwerkliches Können, ihre klassische Ausbildung am Arbeitsgerät zurück zugunsten einer ambienten Klangforschung, einer bedachten Suche nach unbekannten Aspekten ihres so überaus wohlbekannten und wohltemperierten Instruments."

  • MERCHANS OF AIR / Review / Belgium

    "What I like so much about this album, is the immense level of variation. Of course, I've heard many ambient albums with piano in the past few years, but very rarely these turn out to be as varied, as narrative and as daring as this one. Angelina Yershova shows a dark side of this genre, a side where drones and noise are allowed and embraced. And that I can only applaud that. This is a highly recommended piece of work.." (Serge Timmers)

  • AMBIENT BLOG / Review
    ""Every detail on this album shows her experience: she’s not afraid to step away from the beaten paths of experimental piano music. And it’s a magical combination after all: mysterious piano chord sequences immersed in a background of the indeterminate sounds of an unknown abyss." (Peter Van Cooten)
  • AFRICAN PAPER / Review / Germany

    "Yershovas unberechenbare Klangvariationen wirken wie dunkle Traumsequenzen, oder, wie es das Label beschreibt, wie ein Abtauchen in die Dunkelheit der eigenen inneren Tiefe. Über weite Strecken kommt dieses Abtauchen aber ohne abgründige Dramatik aus, wirkt hintergründig und fordert eine gewisse Aufmerksamkeit."


    "On Piano’s Abyss, she specialises in deep water ambience of a distinctly Robert Henke (Piercing Music-era) flavour, albeit more tidal, more insistent in its space-sweeping pulsations than Henke’s drip-fed, hour-long seabed soaking sessions." (Stuart Marshall)