RESONANCE NIGHT is composer/pianist/producer Angelina Yershova's new album. The album creates an hybrid and resonant dimension originated by piano drones and shaped by the synthesis of the instrument. The strings' vibrations, the resonances, the mechanical noises of the pedals and the hammers are electronically processed, distorted and transformed until they turn into textures and unique drones radically different from their original sound and rich of rhythmical and dynamic evolutions.


The acoustic piano - through improvised and stylistically idiosyncratic performances by Angelina Yershova herself - expresses all the emotions and sensations of a mysterious journey within this sonic dimension. The album's leit motiv is the search of that elusive "nocturnal resonance" - aesthetical backbone of all the tracks despite their unique and unmistakable sonic fingerprint.


Resonance Night can be seen as a second chapter of the artistic adventure that began with Angelina Yershova's critically acclaimed previous album "Piano's Abyss", and it is a journey in the "resonant train" riding in the mystifying darkness of the night, where the quest for knowledge overcomes all fears and brings the listener into the light and at the beginning of a new journey of discovery.

music composed, performed, recorded, produced,
mixed & mastered by Angelina Yershova
piano recorded at "Mancini Pianoforti"
artwork: Angelina Yershova
photo cover: Dani Macchi
label:      Twin Paradox Records
catalog:   TPR 004
released February 3, 2017




          Some Feedback:

  • CHAINDLK Webzine / Interview / USA

    "In a relatively short span of time, the brilliant Kazhak composer, pianist and singer Angelina Yershova released two great albums, “Piano’s Abyss” and its ideal sequel “Resonance Night,” (both labeled by Twin Paradox) two sonic gems in which she developed her interesting and deeply introspective aesthetics.." 

                                                                                                                                                                       (Vito Camaretta)

  • SILENCE AND SOUND / Review  / France

    "Once again, Angelina Yershova proposes a complex work beyond forms, drawing on the legacy of schools to juxtapose them majestically in a succession of titles with timeless beauty, where beauty and intelligence rhyme with creativity. Magic."                                                                                                                                        (Rolando Torres)

  • AMUSIO / Interview / Germany

    "Die aus Kasachstan stammende Pianistin, Komponistin, Dirigentin und – auch – elektronische Musikerin Angelina Yershova veröffentlicht im Februar mit Resonance Night (Twin Paradox) ein Album, auf dem sie erneut eigentümliche Wege beschreitet, um dem Klavier ungeahnte Klänge abzuringen. Und um dabei akustische Atmosphären zu erschaffen, die sich der Koinzidenz von technischer Emphase, bildhafter Assoziation und gewagten Timbre verdanken. Im Gespräch erläutert die Wahlrömerin nicht zuletzt, wie es ihr gelingt, ihre immens neugierige Veranlagung auf finite Zielsetzungen zu kaprizieren."

  • ROCKERILLA / Review + Interview / Italy 

    "Basta il primo accordo per tuffarsi completamente nell’universo conturbante costruito dalla compositrice Angelina Yershova nel suo ultimo lavoro discografico, Resonance Night. L’elettronica serpeggia sinuosa tra accordi che sanno di jazz esotici e improvvisazioni che echeggiano amori lontani. Ci si ferma subito estasiati ad ammirare l’intensità dello sguardo della pianista kazaka (First Stop 389 Hertz), prima di perdersi tra glissando e glitch che odorano di nottate passate a ricordare le stelle di un cielo lontano. Non c’è stile che contenga l’esuberanza creativa della Yershova, capace di donare qualità pop anche a musiche che nascono da una sensibilità accademica.."                                                                                                                                                                     (Roberto Mandolini)

  • MUSIC MAP / Review / Italy

    "Angelina Yershova conferma la sua straordinaria creatività e la sua sensibilità verso una sperimentazione mai esagerata o fine a sé stessa, confezionando un disco che diventa la naturale prosecuzione del percorso avviato con “Piano’s Abyss” e che promette risultati altrettanto brillanti.

  • CHAINDLK Webzine / Review / USA

    “The core of “Resonance Night” is an instrumental piano album, around which is built a very high-end electronica production full of sharp digital noises and sampled breathing. There’s a strong emphasis on melodic leads, often sparse rather than lyrical, some catchy, some improvised.”                                                                          (Stuart Bruce)

  • Music Won't Save You Blog / Review / Italy

    "..il pianoforte della Yershova è, in “Resonance Night”, ben diverso da quello dei tanti interprete di un mero minimalismo incentrato sullo strumento. Ciò si deve in parte al suo approccio “totalizzante”, che non solo ne coglie elementi dinamici, vibrazioni e rumori meccanici, ma li traduce in linguaggi elettronici variamente (de)strutturati.”                                                                                                                                                                           (Raffaello Russo)

  • EXPRESS K Magazine / Interview / Kazakhstan

    "Любителей экспериментальной музыки радует новость о выходе нового альбома «Resonance Night» казахстанско-итальянского композитора, пианиста, продюсера и специалиста по новейшим звуковым технологиям Ангелины Eршовой. Информация об этом представлена в ряде мировых СМИ и, без преувеличения, является предметом обсуждения среди ценителей определенного музыкального формата во многих странах."                                                                                                                           (Erzhan Oralbekov)

is composer/pianist/producer Angelina Yershova's new album. The album creates an hybrid and resonant dimension originated by piano drones and shaped by the synthesis of the instrument. The strings' vibrations, the resonances, the mechanical noises of the pedals and the hammers are electronically processed, distorted and transformed until they turn into textures and unique drones radically different from their original sound and rich of rhythmical and dynamic evolutions.

The acoustic piano - through improvised and stylistically idiosyncratic performances by Angelina Yershova herself - expresses all the emotions and sensations of a mysterious journey within this sonic dimension. The album's leit motiv is the search of that elusive "nocturnal resonance" - aesthetical backbone of all the tracks despite their unique and unmistakable sonic fingerprint.


Resonance Night can be seen as a second chapter of the artistic adventure that began with Angelina Yershova's critically acclaimed previous album "Piano's Abyss", and it is a journey in the "resonant train" riding in the mystifying darkness of the night, where the quest for knowledge overcomes all fears and brings the listener into the light and at the beginning of a new journey of discovery.

The album is performed on stage alongside a percussion/drums set played live by Ivan Macera and visuals created in real-time by Simone Memè. The RESONANCE NIGHT project has been conceived as a live performance of voice, piano, live electronics, drum/percussions set and visual live of a total length of 55/60 minutes.

music composed, performed, recorded, produced,
mixed & masterd by Angelina Yershova
piano recorded at "Mancini Pianoforti"
artworks: Angelina Yershova
photo cover: Dani Macchi
label:      Twin Paradox Records
catalog:   TPR 004
released February 3, 2017


          Some Feedback:


  • CHAINDLK Webzine / Interview / USA

    "In a relatively short span of time, the brilliant Kazhak composer, pianist and singer Angelina Yershova released two great albums, “Piano’s Abyss” and its ideal sequel “Resonance Night,” (both labeled by Twin Paradox) two sonic gems in which she developed her interesting and deeply introspective aesthetics.."

  • SILENCE AND SOUND / Review  / France

    "Once again, Angelina Yershova proposes a complex work beyond forms, drawing on the legacy of schools to juxtapose them majestically in a succession of titles with timeless beauty, where beauty and intelligence rhyme with creativity. Magic."

  • AMUSIO / Interview / Germany

    "Die aus Kasachstan stammende Pianistin, Komponistin, Dirigentin und – auch – elektronische Musikerin Angelina Yershova veröffentlicht im Februar mit Resonance Night (Twin Paradox) ein Album, auf dem sie erneut eigentümliche Wege beschreitet, um dem Klavier ungeahnte Klänge abzuringen. Und um dabei akustische Atmosphären zu erschaffen, die sich der Koinzidenz von technischer Emphase, bildhafter Assoziation und gewagten Timbre verdanken. Im Gespräch erläutert die Wahlrömerin nicht zuletzt, wie es ihr gelingt, ihre immens neugierige Veranlagung auf finite Zielsetzungen zu kaprizieren."

  • MUSIC MAP / Review / Italy
    "Angelina Yershova conferma la sua straordinaria creatività e la sua sensibilità verso una sperimentazione mai esagerata o fine a sé stessa, confezionando un disco che diventa la naturale prosecuzione del percorso avviato con “Piano’s Abyss” e che promette risultati altrettanto brillanti."
  • EXPRESS K Magazine / Interview / Kazakhstan

    "Любителей экспериментальной музыки радует новость о выходе нового альбома «Resonance Night» казахстанско-итальянского композитора, пианиста, продюсера и специалиста по новейшим звуковым технологиям Ангелины Eршовой. Информация об этом представлена в ряде мировых СМИ и, без преувеличения, является предметом обсуждения среди ценителей определенного музыкального формата во многих странах."