TPR 005 Twin Paradox Records
released April 18, 2019
"The album "CosmoTengri" by Angelina Yershova leads the listener towards environmental communion through a different path to those that entail a loss of self via repetition: in the sublime dazzle of the mountaintop we find ourselves full, and yet come to understand that we are but one more raindrop amidst a titanic thunderstorm.." (David Murrieta Flores)
- AFRICAN PAPER Webzine / Review / German
“Angelina Yershova hat ihr neues Album, dessen Titel auf den “Ewigen blauen Himmel”, eine pantheistische Gottheit aus archaischer Zeit verweist, mehrfach mit dem drohenden Zerfall des nicht nur regionalen Ökosystems in Verbindung gebracht, was einen solchen Deutungsaspekt nicht unplausibel erscheinen lässt. Doch gestaltet sich der Tumult in dieser 5 vor 12-Stimmung ausgesprochen kraftvoll. Das von Gulzhan Amanzol in Kasachisch geflüsterte Gedicht in “Kam Laure” schafft eine intime Stimmung, die durch immer lauter werdende rituelle Drums in Furor verwandelt wird.” (Uwe Schneider)
- TONESHIFT Webzine / Review / USA
"One thing is for sure, our planet needs all the help it can get, and any record that puts this forward gets my attention. Here is CosmoTengri the new disc by Kazakh composer Angelina Yershova (dedicated to Bakhtiyar Amanzhol) out on Roman imprint Twin Paradox. Issues such as deforestation and sustainability are global concerns, and let’s dive into the way in which she addresses this delicate socio-eco-political topic. The gentle cascade of a stream is paired with stringed abstraction at first, and the mood slowly curdles as it evolves on Korgau. As you can see in the above video compatriot and environmental activist Saltanat Tashimova is found amongst the trees of a mountain plateau in the Ile-Alatau State National Park." (TJ Norris)
- ROCKERILLA / Review / Italy
"Benchè già allora avesse dimostrato uno spiccato interesse per l'elettronica, all'epoca del suo secondo disco Resonance Night (2017) Angelina Yershova presentava ancora evvidenti tracce della formazione classica. Radicalmente diversi sono gli orizzonti di Cosmo tengri, interamente ammantati dalla ricerca di equilibri spirituali tra uomo e natura, legati ad asoetti culturali della sua origine kazaka, rapresentata anche dall'uso del tradizionale kyl kobyz. Decisamente preponderante è tuttavia l'aspetto di sintesi del lavoro, costituito da flussi ambientali a pulsazioni ruvide, che coniugano al futuro un'ancestrale ritualità schiamanica." (Raffaello Russo)
- Glitch Magazine / Interview / Italy
“CosmoTengri di Angelina Yershova è un intreccio di tematiche che collega l’attualità sonora dei suoni elettronici usati in “CosmoTengri” all’arcaicità della tradizione sciamanica dell’Asia Centrale, generando un quadro stilistico originale minuziosamente organizzato, in cui convivono spontaneità e programmazione, istinto e progettualità." (Alex Marenga)
- BAD PRESS Music for Modernists / Review / CANADA /
“The electronics will strike you first. At various times frenetic, moody and ritualistic, they do more than simply decorate these seven pieces. They are the album’s solid, sometimes gritty foundation. As appealing as they are, don’t let them distract you from the larger purpose of this exceptional new disc. Kazakhstan’s Angelina Yershova has delivered a kind of audio treatise on nature preservation and the environment. According to the album’s notes, the music has been written to represent “the passage of time, in which nothing can remain unchanged and everything is subjected to change.” (Kevin Press)
- SILENCE AND SOUND Webzine / Review / French
"The Kazakh artist Angelina Yershova keeps surprising us album after album, revealing the multiplicity of her personality through the meshes of projects with constant surprises. With CosmoTengri she abandons her instrument of choice the piano, to embrace the shamanic universality through the use of traditional sonorities coated with electronic possessed, magical imprint." (Rolando Torres)
"Die kasachische Komponistin und Pianistin Angelina Yershova, die zwischen Rom, Berlin und Almaty lebt, ist ebenfalls klassisch ausgebildet. Auf CosmoTengri (Twin Paradox, VÖ 18. April), dem dritten Soloalbum auf ihrem eigenen Label, hat sie sich von sowohl vom Instrument wie von der dahinter liegenden Tradition der europäischen Klassik (und populären Neoklassik) weitgehend emanzipiert, im Sound wie in den Songstrukturen. Letztere emulieren Synth-Pop und zeitgenössische Elektronik, meist geben untergründig gerade oder angedeutet ungerade Beats die Struktur der Stücke vor. Ihr Sound verweist dagegen auf die reichen Texturen von Ambient. Die Stücke auf CosmoTengri sind geprägt von körnigen Field Recordings, dem markant kehlig schnarrenden Klang der zweisaitigen Rosshaar-Violine Kobyz und einem Stimmeinsatz der wie der Klang des Kobyz auf die rituellen Klänge kasachischer Schamanen verweist. Mit soundexotisch aufgemotzter World Music und esoterischem Anthropozän-New-Age hat das Album dennoch wenig bis nichts zu tun. Die ausgestellte naturreligiöse Erdverbundenheit ist digital dekonstruiert, vom Doppelspiegel elektronischen Pops und europäischer Komposition reflektiert."
- CHAINDLK Webzine / Review / USA
"Established Kazakh composer Yershova has a strong list of collaborations under belt and has worked with symphony orchestras, However this release is entirely her own work, with Yershova credited as writer, recording artist, producer, mixer and masterer of her own destiny here, in an album that sounds close and introspective, but which avoids sounding small. The result is an incredibly versatile showcase for a multi-talented artist, with a lot of breadth of moods and styles." (
) -
FBi Radio / Review / Australia
"Kazakh composer Angelina Yershova has released a few albums pitting her classical composition and piano skills against her electronic production wizardry. Her new album, one of a number on Italian label Twin Paradox Records, draws deeply from her Kazakh heritage - "Korgau" features Gulzhan Amanzhol on the kazakh string instrument the kyl-kobyz, and will come with a video produced by environmentalist film-maker Saltanat Tashimova about the Kok Zhailau mountain plateau in a Kazakh national park, currently threatened with deforestation. It's a beautiful piece in which Amanzhol's choral vocals and questing kobyz are surrounded by field recordings, droning electronics, slow percussion and whispered vocals. It's quite a contrast with the first track I played, which revels in drill'n'bass beats!
The album is released this Friday, much recommended." - NIEUWENOTEN / Review / Blog
"Het veld waarin Yershova opereert is breed, zoals we reeds zagen bij haar album ‘Resonance Night’ dat hier eerder aan bod kwam. Was dat ‘Resonance Night’ reeds een bijzonder album, mede dankzij de eclectische aanpak, met dit, bij tijd en wijlen zeer beklemmende, ‘CosmoTengri’ weet deze componiste nog beter de kern te raken." (Ben Taffijn)
TPR 004 Twin Paradox Records
released February 3, 2017
- CHAINDLK Webzine / Interview / USA
"In a relatively short span of time, the brilliant Kazhak composer, pianist and singer Angelina Yershova released two great albums, “Piano’s Abyss” and its ideal sequel “Resonance Night,” (both labeled by Twin Paradox) two sonic gems in which she developed her interesting and deeply introspective aesthetics.."
(Vito Camaretta)
- SILENCE AND SOUND / Review / France
"Once again, Angelina Yershova proposes a complex work beyond forms, drawing on the legacy of schools to juxtapose them majestically in a succession of titles with timeless beauty, where beauty and intelligence rhyme with creativity. Magic." (Rolando Torres)
- AMUSIO / Interview / Germany
"Die aus Kasachstan stammende Pianistin, Komponistin, Dirigentin und – auch – elektronische Musikerin Angelina Yershova veröffentlicht im Februar mit Resonance Night (Twin Paradox) ein Album, auf dem sie erneut eigentümliche Wege beschreitet, um dem Klavier ungeahnte Klänge abzuringen. Und um dabei akustische Atmosphären zu erschaffen, die sich der Koinzidenz von technischer Emphase, bildhafter Assoziation und gewagten Timbre verdanken. Im Gespräch erläutert die Wahlrömerin nicht zuletzt, wie es ihr gelingt, ihre immens neugierige Veranlagung auf finite Zielsetzungen zu kaprizieren."
- ROCKERILLA / Review + Interview / Italy
"Basta il primo accordo per tuffarsi completamente nell’universo conturbante costruito dalla compositrice Angelina Yershova nel suo ultimo lavoro discografico, Resonance Night. L’elettronica serpeggia sinuosa tra accordi che sanno di jazz esotici e improvvisazioni che echeggiano amori lontani. Ci si ferma subito estasiati ad ammirare l’intensità dello sguardo della pianista kazaka (First Stop 389 Hertz), prima di perdersi tra glissando e glitch che odorano di nottate passate a ricordare le stelle di un cielo lontano. Non c’è stile che contenga l’esuberanza creativa della Yershova, capace di donare qualità pop anche a musiche che nascono da una sensibilità accademica.."
(Roberto Mandolini)
- MUSIC MAP / Review / Italy
"Angelina Yershova conferma la sua straordinaria creatività e la sua sensibilità verso una sperimentazione mai esagerata o fine a sé stessa, confezionando un disco che diventa la naturale prosecuzione del percorso avviato con “Piano’s Abyss” e che promette risultati altrettanto brillanti. - CHAINDLK Webzine / Review / USA
“The core of “Resonance Night” is an instrumental piano album, around which is built a very high-end electronica production full of sharp digital noises and sampled breathing. There’s a strong emphasis on melodic leads, often sparse rather than lyrical, some catchy, some improvised.” (Stuart Bruce)
- Music Won't Save You Blog / Review / Italy
" pianoforte della Yershova è, in “Resonance Night”, ben diverso da quello dei tanti interprete di un mero minimalismo incentrato sullo strumento. Ciò si deve in parte al suo approccio “totalizzante”, che non solo ne coglie elementi dinamici, vibrazioni e rumori meccanici, ma li traduce in linguaggi elettronici variamente (de)strutturati.” (Raffaello Russo)
- EXPRESS K Magazine / Interview / Kazakhstan
"Любителей экспериментальной музыки радует новость о выходе нового альбома «Resonance Night» казахстанско-итальянского композитора, пианиста, продюсера и специалиста по новейшим звуковым технологиям Ангелины Eршовой. Информация об этом представлена в ряде мировых СМИ и, без преувеличения, является предметом обсуждения среди ценителей определенного музыкального формата во многих странах." (Erzhan Oralbekov)
- The Sound Projector Music Magazine / Review / USA
"What’s most striking about all this is – more than the substantial technical ability on show – that producers like Yershova seem so at ease incorporating compositional devices and techniques that have proven obstinate to even more adventurous of listeners over the last century." (Stuart Marshall)
- MUSIKANSICH / Review / Germany
"Und so setzt sich das Album fort mit kürzeren, ambienten Soundcollagen und den songorientierteren Kompositionen, dominiert vom Piano und umrahmt von diesen interessanten elektronischen Soundlandschaften."
- DISTORSIONI Webzine / Review / Italy
"Resonance Night metabolizza stili e linguaggi in un corpo unico ponendosi in una terra di confine difficile da definire ma nel quale Angelina Yershova riesce a coniugare la sperimentazione con un appeal non indifferente." (Aldo De Sanctis)
NIEUW NOTEN / Review / Holland
"Angelina Yershova is het type musicus dat graag muzikale grenzen overschrijdt en klassiek en elektronica op succesvolle wijze aan elkaar verbindt. Haar nieuwe album 'Resonance Night' is hier het bewijs van. (Ben Taffin)
- LOOP / Review / Spain
"Este disco muestra como la elegancia del piano hace una perfecta simbiosis con los sonidos transformados y retorcidos." (Guillermo Escudero)
- TOPERIODICO Magazine / Review / Greece
"The vibrations of the strings, the mechanical sounds of pedals and hammers are electronically processed, deformed, resulting in a completely different sound from the classic instrument, full of pace and unpredictable dynamics!
- AFRICANPAPER / Review / Germany
"Angelina Yershova, deren voriges Album „Piano’s Abyss“ ich vor kurzem vorgestellt habe, verfeinert seit einigen Jahren ihren hybriden Stil als Komponistin, Pianistin und Studiofrau." (Uwe Schneider)
- BLACKAUDIO Music Blog / Review
"There is a strength in creating something that manages to grab emotion from the claws of nonsense; and Angelina plays with the two in equal measure." (Tony Young) - POLIPHONIA Music Blog / Review / Poland
- AFRICANPAPER / Review / Germany
- AREMUN Webzine / Review / Italy
- SONIC SEDUCER 02/2017 / Review / Germany
- SPEX N373 Music Magazine / Review / Germany
- WESTZEIT 03.17 Music Magazine / Review / Germany
- REVUE & CORRIGE’E #110 Music Magazine / Review / France



PIANO'S ABYSS is the first chapter of a series of albums dedicated to unconventional timbre experimentation.
The artistic, compositional and technical aspects of the album was illustrated by Angelina Yershova during her workshop "Composing while Improvising – Sound and Space" @ META.MORF Festival in Trondheim (Norway).
TPR 003 Twin Paradox Records
released March 21, 2016
- ATTN: MAGAZINE / Review / UK
"Yershova's melodies dance amidst the strange waves, sometimes mournfully spellbound by their tidal surges and stormy sibilance, and sometimes enrapt in states of jubilant, energised arpeggio. I hear piano as solid object, piano as liquified ambience, piano as vaporous phantom."
- NUCLEOARTZINE / Interview / Italy
"Ascoltando le tracce di Piano’s Abyss si ha da subito l’impressione di intraprendere un viaggio, anche in relazione ai titoli dei brani, fortemente evocativi. Cosa puoi dirci in merito?" (Paolo Gatti)
- SILENCE AND SOUND / Review / France
"With Angelina Yershova the piano takes an unusual air, and we are plunged into a space where the lights meet and entwine on floating crossroads.." (Rolando Torres Martin)
- ROMASUONA / Review / Italy
"PIANO'S ABYSS è un lavoro decisamente originale e intelligente, che pur inserendosi nella cosiddetta “ambient” o “drone” music è in realtà portatore di un disegno preciso e audace, in cui emerge tutto lo spessore di un artista di estrazione classica e dalle molteplici influenze culturali." (Alex Marenga a.k.a AMPTEK)
- KINDAMUZIC / Review / Holland
"Rich in texture and with long and vast spectral horizons... Seductive and alluring." (Sven Schijper)
- GROOVE / Review / Germany
"Piano Abyss (Twin Paradox) nimmt ihr handwerkliches Können, ihre klassische Ausbildung am Arbeitsgerät zurück zugunsten einer ambienten Klangforschung, einer bedachten Suche nach unbekannten Aspekten ihres so überaus wohlbekannten und wohltemperierten Instruments."
- MERCHANS OF AIR / Review / Belgium
"What I like so much about this album, is the immense level of variation. Of course, I've heard many ambient albums with piano in the past few years, but very rarely these turn out to be as varied, as narrative and as daring as this one. Angelina Yershova shows a dark side of this genre, a side where drones and noise are allowed and embraced. And that I can only applaud that. This is a highly recommended piece of work.." (Serge Timmers)
""Every detail on this album shows her experience: she’s not afraid to step away from the beaten paths of experimental piano music. And it’s a magical combination after all: mysterious piano chord sequences immersed in a background of the indeterminate sounds of an unknown abyss." (Peter Van Cooten)
- AFRICAN PAPER / Review / Germany
"Yershovas unberechenbare Klangvariationen wirken wie dunkle Traumsequenzen, oder, wie es das Label beschreibt, wie ein Abtauchen in die Dunkelheit der eigenen inneren Tiefe. Über weite Strecken kommt dieses Abtauchen aber ohne abgründige Dramatik aus, wirkt hintergründig und fordert eine gewisse Aufmerksamkeit."
"On Piano’s Abyss, she specialises in deep water ambience of a distinctly Robert Henke (Piercing Music-era) flavour, albeit more tidal, more insistent in its space-sweeping pulsations than Henke’s drip-fed, hour-long seabed soaking sessions." (Stuart Marshall)

TPR 002 Twin Paradox Records
released March 31, 2014
Some Feedback:
- Ryuji Takeuchi - “Awesome Ep. raw, dark and deep sound here. Support!”
- Levan - “Great ep like Anormal and in Quiet a lot thanks for the
promo” favourite track: In Quiet - Electric Indigo - “I just love her music and find it highly inspiring!!!”
- Wunderblock - “EXCELLENT! Twin Paradox is shocking me again...”
- Coefficient - “Nice experimental sounds. Like the rhythmic 'Anormal'
and the amblent wash of 'In Quiet.'” - Lakker - “Interesting stuff, nice atmospheres.”
- Kwartz - “Lovely EP, can't choose a favorite!”
- Angel Molina - “Nice surprise with this release!
Really into it, all of the tracks do for me. thanks so much!!!” - Norman Nodge - “The first three tracks are honestly too arty for my
personal taste. But "In Quiet" caught me a bit. Nice atmosphere, cool soundscapes.” - Etapp Kyle - “A big heavy release for me in general but I love
"Anormal" and "In Quiet" at the same time. Thanks!” - Surit - “Lovely "In Quiet" track, but also like the other ones. Very interesting.”
- Miki Craven - “GREAT EP!!! Really like it all! Dificult to chose one but
I am between Critiacal and Anormal. Anyway all the packege is great!” - Hector Sandoval - “interesting sounds here,anormal my fav but all are really good,thanks.”
- Len Faki - “Will try anormal for sure - sounds exciting” favourite track: Anormal.
- Daz Furey - “Interesting out there sounds thrown into some solid rythyms.”
- Juho Kahilainen - “In Quiet is beautiful. Electronics and acoustic piano
(orgrand piano) fit together.” - Inigo Kennedy - “Nice percussive workouts. Thanks!”
- Louk - “Not quite for me thanks, like In Quiet though!”
- The-Zone Radioshow - “Thanks! download for The-Zone Fm Radio show! Support!”
- Daniel Mehes - “I like the last chillin' tune!”
- Dubit - “Amazing release. Thanks” favourite track: In Quiet"
- Vincent de Wit - “Very minimalistic, but a good drive :-)”
- Redwan Chakrani - “Great release but Anormal is best track so far.”
- Giorgio Gigli - “In Quiet is amazing Thanks!”
- Redwan Chakrani - “Great release but Anormal is best track so far.”
- Rookas - “Broken is just great!”
- Patrick DSP - “Solid work!”
- Slumberman - “Interesting and varied.”
- Hd Substance - “Great Ep! Thanks.”

Kàrmàn Vortex
TPR 001 Twin Paradox Records
released December 16, 2013
Some Feedback:
- Electric Indigo - “This is absolutely amazing. fantastic work!!! I love it!”
- Cio D'Or - “This release is showing lot´s of emotions in different ways,
very artful and in the front! Thank you Angelina Yershova!” - Ryuji Takeuchi - “Awesome release. Love the ambience in all tracks here. Support!”
- Thomas Hessler - “Interesting stuff ! Full support!”
- Concrete Djz - “Thanks, nice atmospherics here! Will come in handy for
my sets i'm sure! Superfluid is the one for me.” - Attemporal - “Really like this sounds. All the best for the project.”
- Jamie Morris - “Nice release, some great pieces to listen to here. Thanks!”
- Javier Orduña - “Realy nice electronic music!! Pasajes Sonoros!!”
- Martyn Hare - “Great for some set atmospherics!”
- The-Zone Radioshow “Thanks! support from The-Zone radio show FM download!”
- Norman Nodge - “Nice soundspheres, good to have some of these for various reasons.”
- Samuli Kemppi - “Nice soundscapes. Maybe radio play for some. Thanks!”
- Lakker - “Lovely stuff. Downloading for further listens.”
- Anton Banks- “I really enjoy leftfield. These are great tracks!”
- Ness - “Very interesting release, i like all tracks, perfect for my ambient set. Thanks so much!”
- Redwan Chakrani - “Beautiful landscapes and atmospheres.”
- Angel Molina - “Although not for usually playing in my sets, this is really welcome.
I´m a lot into drone / experimental stuff, so thanks!” - Adriana Lopez - “Great music and video... Thanks for sending.”
- Dave Ellesmere - “Stunning soundscapes and compositions you can really get lost in great release!”
- Hector Oaks - “Really nice for the listening. thx for sharing”
- Mogano - “Stunning and deep composition”
- Douglas - “Killer release!!! congrats!!”
- Steve Kuehl - “Fantastic work! Thank you!”
- Levan - “True darkness thanks for this!"
- Deepbass - “Beautiful pieces of music!”
- Max_M - “DAMN! 10/10”
The “Kármán Vortex” album is inspired by a collaboration with composer and Aeolian Harp maker Mario Bertoncini. The “Kármán Vortex” project was unveiled at the 50th Nuova Consonanza Festival in Rome on November the 17th, 2013.